Tuesday 4 May 2010


A reminder that your Music Mag blog must clearly show your candidate number at the top.

Sunday 25 April 2010

The coursework cover sheet has changed.

Sometimes it doesn't pay to be well prepared. On the 21st April, the exam board slightly changed the coversheet forms.

You need to long in here

fill out your correct details, print out & give to me.

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Have you done any work?

Have you done any work this holiday? If not, now is the time to get cracking. Remember your final evaluation of your music magazine must be uploaded to your blog for the first week back. You have to make as much use of audio visual techniques as possible, whilst ensuring your points are made clearly and succinctly.

Friday 26 March 2010

Structure for Blog

It should look like this:

1. Intro (optional podcast)
2. Final Version of Magazine
3. Evaluation
4. Audience Feedback
5. Avatar response evaluation (if you did one)
6. Planning and research posts

Feedback on blogs:

1. Evaluations need to have images and research referred to explicitly. This means embedding and annotating images. You may find this works best as a powerpoint.
2.Don't include unedited, uncommented on images for the examiner to scroll through, put them in a powerpoint.
3. Consider your question on new technology, not only does it refer to your product but also to how magazines are distributed, eg the rise of online versions, how will this owrk in the future?
4.Look back at the powerpoints we went through on media language, namely mode of address, house style, brand, product, USP, graphology, typography, all of these sort of terms should be mentioned in your evaluation, most of you lack media specific terminilogy and your references are too wishy washy.
5. Give quotes and specific examples all the time!
6. Name, pricing and frequency should be mentioned.

Friday 19 March 2010

Final evaluation of Music magazines

Now you have had some distance from your publications. Try to evaluate it with fresh eyes. Your focus group written comments need to be collated and responded to.
1. Upload the pages to your blog and comment on how you feel about them.
2. Edit your video footage, include some still images of your product to put in as transitions into your project. The way to do this is to save the images as JPGs, put into iphoto then open up from within iphoto from the camera symbol button. (this is a short cut to iphoto).
3. You can film extra footage to improve this. You could interview people who are exactly your intended target audience, or someone who isn't, like your parents or older siblings. You can film yourself talking through the magazine, using the evaluation questions as a structure. In fact if you do this thoroughly this can take the place of a more formal written evaluation.
3. Once you are happy with your edit, click the 'share' button at the top of the screen. This will take you to a shortcut to You Tube. You will need a You Tube account to log in, add your film to You Tube then use the embed code to put it in your blog. Job done!

Here are a couple of very interesting articles about Youth Culture. Read this and think about including some of the points to raise the tone of your response.
Where Have All the Pop Tribes Gone: The Guardian

Flexipop's History

Friday 15 January 2010

Cover Sheet

You must click here and download & fill out the cover sheet to accompany your magazine.