Friday 4 December 2009

Friday 4th December

I really think this point needs emphasizing:

'There should not be a dominance of images of the same subject amongst the four original images'

What this means is you need to take photos of more than one person.
You may want to consider your front page featuring a different subject than your double page spread (although you don't have to if it features a band).
You will have to do more than one photo shoot.

At this point in time your first draft of your front cover should be complete. You can always come back to it and reflect on it later, its better really if you do.

You should be starting on your double page spread and consider whether you need to take more photos this weekend. You don't have to use the SLR camera, an ordinary camera will be ok, a mobile phone camera won't be good enough quality.

You should aim to have the double page spread complete by the end of of this coming week & start on the contents page.

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