Wednesday 23 September 2009

Work to do by Tuesday 29th September

1. Create an Audience Focus Group. You will show them all your ideas for both the student magazine and the music magazine. Find at least 4 people, who are moderately reliable and won't mind being interviewed.
2. Put their profiles up on the blog, you want to find out about their media consumption habits and in particular, to do with magazines.
3. Create an audience questionnaire that you will distribute amongst your target audience. You need to find out their opinions on student magazines & their thoughts about school/college involvement at this point.
4. You should also find at least 2 more examples of student magazines to annotate and put onto your blog.
5. Read the articles on this blog, they are your reading matter and you should make notes on them.

Remember, the more cross-platform, multi-modal (singing & dancing) your blog is, the better!

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